reality check

a corrective confronting of reality, in order to counteract one's expectations, prejudices, or the like.
Examples from the web for reality check
  • But the week leading up to my commencement forced a reality check.
  • Once you have a folder of ideas, it's time to do a reality check on needs versus desires.
  • Let me interrupt the tourism brochures here for a reality check.
  • Your answers to the following questions will provide both an inspiration and a reality check.
  • Imagine a campus without students for that reality check.
  • If nothing else, post-tenure depression is an appropriate occasion for a reality check.
  • Those who weep and wail that access and opportunity are constantly under threat should have a reality check.
  • One way to help prevent it is to try to get the parents to do a reality check.
  • They are a reality check on our psychological theories and our theories of artificial intelligence.
  • Loss of privilege is traditionally an effective reality check.
British Dictionary definitions for reality check

reality check

an occasion or opportunity to consider a matter realistically or honestly
Slang definitions & phrases for reality check

reality check

noun phrase

A confirmation of fact, esp when compared with fantasy: Proxmire's pronouncements provided a reality check on spending requests (1990s+)

reality check in Technology

1. The simplest kind of test of software or hardware; doing the equivalent of asking it what 2 + 2 is and seeing if you get 4. The software equivalent of a smoke test.
2. The act of letting a real user try out prototype software.
Compare sanity check.

Idioms and Phrases with reality check

reality check

An assessment to determine if one's circumstances or expectations conform to reality, as in Time for a reality check—wasn't this supposed to be a money-making enterprise? [ ; second half of 1900s ]